Monday, August 19, 2013

Are You a Good Samaritan?

     Today was not one of those days when I felt like a knight and protector to my wife and children. Instead I was the court jester. The fool to some of you. Yea I think the fool was more of it. I was taking the children to church this morning by myself. My wife had homework and a paper that had to be finished. A quick stop by the ATM for cash to get gas and the offering. Then, we are on the way. At least, I thought we were. I should have listened to my gut, but I didn't. I ran out of gas.
    It has been a long time since that happened to me. It definitely never happened to me on a busy street, in the middle of the day. There weren't three upset children in the vehicle when I did before. I had to call my wife and have her bring the gas can for me. She quickly raced to the rescue. She brought a full gas can, allowing me to take the children to church before they revolted. Supermom saved the day. Luckily, this allowed us to make it on time. Not much of a story. However, there is more to it.
     Today gave me a new perspective on the kindness of my fellow man. I know the road was busy and people were rushing to services at various churches in the area. Cars and trucks sped by us, even with my truck blocking one full lane of traffic. I can understand someone not wanting to stop for me. I can be a little scary looking at times. I thought three little girls hanging out the windows might change someone's mind. Most people drove past giving us nasty looks, like I had done it on purpose. Yea folks, that is my idea of a good time. I try to plan ways to break down and cause issues for the masses. I threw in three upset girls for effect.
    My faith was restored by a few individuals that stopped. There were not the people you would expect, but maybe they were. Most of the people who stopped where not the well off people that could afford it. There were several elderly couples. They offered to take me to get some gas. I thanked them for the offers but pointed out the fact I had three girls sitting there crying about being late for services. Each wished me luck, one even offered to go get drinks for the girls. I declined. Children trapped in truck was bad enough. Them filled with water or juice, that was a disaster waiting to explode.
The second type of individuals to stop were even more surprising. These individuals looked as if they could barely afford to pay attention. They drove vehicles that looked as if they would fall apart at any moment. One of them even sounded as if it was ready to do just that. However, each of them took pity and stopped to try and help. Two ladies had a car full of children as well. They wished me luck when I told them I didn't have a gas can and that my wife was on the way.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Why Isn't It Fair?

    "Its not fair!" a little boy shouts as he is escorted inside by his mother to dinner. His friends stand there staring as their friend disappears into the house. They shrug theirs shoulders and get back to the game. All of them are happy it wasnt them. Yet, they know soon it will be their turn to leave. Most will simply wave goodbye and head off. The few remaining, throw a fit like the first child and storm off. If they were cartoons, you would see the steam cloud billowing above their heads.
     That phrase, "Its not fair!" is something you would think only a mad child might use. Okay, lets not forget the teenagers. Adults are always unfair to them. It isnt a phrase you expect to hear from adults. Unfortunately, too many of Americans feel that everything should happen exactly as they envision it. I am not sure, if this is due to a feeling of entitlement we have. I have heard too many people say "They owe me!" Who is the, "They?" Why would they owe a young nineteen or twenty-year old something? They havent been around long enough to accrue much of a debt owed them. Did their parents double-down and pass the winning credit on to them?
     I have known young men and women that have lost limbs in the service. You would be surprised at how many of them feel guilty they didnt do all they could. They feel they let their comrades and the country down because they didnt finish their tour. These individuals could lie around whining, waiting for someone to care for them. Instead, they do their therapy and try to return to their old lives. Many of them excelling at jobs, despite challenges.
     That is why it burns me up when a healthy person cries "Thats Not Fair." Usually, it is due to some fault of their own. I hear it all the time when a customer is charged a late fee for not making a payment on time. It amazes me the reasons that they come up with. I have heard everything from "I was on vacation for 2 months traveling through Europe." Sorry! Another favorite is "My Dog ate my Ipad." Seriously, are we back in high school? Folks take some responsibility for what you do. Admit you forgot and accept the consequences of your actions.
     The words are used by people when they envy what someone else has, or has achieved. "Thats not fair they have that." You know my friend, get off your backside and get to work. You can earn a lot more, if you actually go to work. I have seen so many people that want simple jobs that pay, minimum wage, just because they have no responsibility. Yet, these are the same people that want a new car, fancy home, and all the latest gadgets. My wife and I both have full time jobs, and I am in the National Guard. We cant afford all that. How can someone that spends their life attached to an Xbox expect to?
     I am far from a man that will ever own a yacht. Not that that wouldnt be nice. The choices I made in life did not take me down that path. I have no desire to be filthy rich. I would settle for comfortable. There are still choices I can make that will make life better for my family. I will not begrudge the man, driving the Porsche, his toys. I may hope his taupe flies off at an inappropriate moment. That is mainly because that would be hilarious.
     We must take responsibility for our choices and actions. Other people didnt force you to do the things you have done. No one made you spend all that money on objects you do not need, or can afford. Nor, did they force you to sit at home watching Gilligans Island instead of doing something with life. The choices were yours. Choose what is fair, for you.

Monday, August 5, 2013

He's Watching You!

    There are several times of year that I will not go near the mall, or Wal-mart. Not that I enjoy going to either of them normally. One of those times is Christmas of course. There is nothing worse than people filled with that holiday spirit of "Must Buy! Must Have!" A person takes their life into their own hands shopping then. If you do not believe me, go out on Black Friday and watch. I have seen combat zones that are friendlier.
     I talk of something almost as sinister. It is the Tax Free weekend. Im not sure how many states have this. Tennessee definitely does. This weekend is set so that parents can buy the clothes and school supplies their children need, without paying any taxes. It is a great help. Everyone with children knows how expensive getting ready for the school year can be. Any penny you can save can be spent later. Especially, when they bring home the fund raisers. You have to buy that case of candy bars that they have to sell for school. Yours may be selling cookies, or wrapping paper.
     The sale, unfortunately, only lasts for one weekend. You can imagine the pandemonium that unleashes. My wife has told me horror stories about it. This is from a woman that has braved the midnight sales at Best Buy and other major locations. She made an excellent decision to do the shopping early this year. We took the children shopping several weeks prior to the sale. There had to be a lot less stress. I can only imagine trying to keep up with three children in that chaos. I'm usually gone with the military, have to clean the gutters, mow the lawn, or anything else that keeps me away from shopping.
     I am probably like most husbands. We have a great fear of the ferocious beasts that roam the floors of sales. They are the dreaded Matriarcus Severus. This creature has the ability to take a persons arm off at the elbow with 1 bite. Especially if it is reaching into a sale bin. Don't you dare reach for that last pair of size two sparkly sketchers. There may be more than one waiting to pounce open the prize. I would rather be caught in an ambush than deal with that tenacity.
      My twisted mind can see some mothers planning their attack strategy for weeks, prior to the sale. They have their primary and secondary routes prepared, along with the quickest exit routes. This is the type of person I see speeding through the parking lot in a supped up minivan. She does a power slide into a parking space, cutting off another such vehicle. Before the engine dies, she is doing a power slide over the hood. The side door slides open, as four children dressed as ninjas come rolling out. They all sprint into the store, scattering shoppers as they burst in.
     Getting children ready for school is stressful enough. They want the most current and fashionable apparel and supplies. I didn't know you had stick glue with different colored caps. God help you if you don't get the right color. We shouldn't be nasty parents in the process. Our children are watching us. Lets help each other out. They are learning from us. Remember, Santa is always watching. He knows, if you are good or bad.