Monday, October 14, 2013

We the People

    I do try to stay away from politics when I write. I like to write about the more humorous aspects of life. If I do it right, some people may even think about the issues that are underlying in my stories. However, it is hard for me to ignore the government shutdown and the affect it is having on our nation. If it isn't something that is bothering you; you either live in another country, are wealthy, or need a cranium rectum inversion procedure.
    I have read many things about the problems that are occurring. I have talked to several people that this affects seriously. First, lets look WIC. Those of you that do not need it may not care. I do! They are not allowing any more parents to apply for it currently. Are you serious! We are denying children milk and food they need, because the people we elected cannot work together. I bet your local congressman doesn't go without his/her bottle of spirits tonight. Why should a child go to bed without a bottle of formula? Are we that messed up?
     Our enlightened leaders have also furloughed our stopped the pay for many government employees. The people who are in "non-critical" jobs have simply been sent home on unpaid leave, until a budget can be passed. Those that are in critical positions will not receive pay. Those are the individual that guard you from danger and harm. Yet, the individuals that are causing the problem; the Congress and White House still receive their pay and extras. I still believe we should stop their pay and fine them $20,000 a day per person. I bet a compromise would be reached quick then. Plus, that money could be used to reduce the deficit.
    We will not even discuss the money spent to close National Parks. I know it is so expensive to let someone hike or look at a monument dedicated to them. Our Veterans recently marched on D.C., tearing down the barriers that stopped men and women who had risked their lives from going to monuments. Men and women in wheelchairs and missing limbs, tore down that which stopped them from physically reaching their goals. Can we not tear down barriers as well as those brave few. Let us remove the barriers of difference and come to an understand. The nation must have it.
    I have been reading a lot of the writings of Thomas Jefferson lately. I think more people should. He was a man far ahead of our times, let alone his own. I wonder what he would think of our nation today. My guess is that he would weep at the government he found in power. So much of what he fought against has come to pass. Our nation is strong and proud. But, shall we allow pride and power to destroy what so many have fought and suffered to uphold. That is up to, "We the People."