There are times that I wonder what is going on in America. I saw a commercial the other day that made me cringe. It was one of those wonderful, “Get ready for the Super Bowl,” ads. It was for a 52” television. The company implied that the family would not be able to enjoy the game with anything less than their humongous product. After all, you may not be able to count all the stitches on the ball with anything smaller. I would like to know the percentage of people that bought into that concept.
I have to hand it to the advertising agencies. They have created a country of super consumers. If you think I am exaggerating, look at some of the businesses in your home town. Many of them, which you remember from just 20 years ago, are gone. How many repair shops are there left? Not many, if any. There was a time when every town had an electronics, shoe, and appliance repair shops. People feel it is cheaper, and better, to buy a new one instead of repairing the old. The Maytag repair man is definitely lonely these days.
Other symptoms include the long lines and preorders for the latest gadgets. I cannot believe that people will camp out in front of a store for 24 to 48 hours, waiting to be the first to buy a new phone. People please, it’s a phone. I know it may have all the bells and whistles, but it is still just a phone. All I want is to be able to make phone calls with it, and maybe text. The worst part is, if they would just wait 6 months, the consumers could save big money on the purchase. Frostbite and a several hundred dollars gone, is not my idea of a good night.
The worst sign of our consumer craze is the size of the products we buy. There is little that is compact. Alright, some of our electronics have gotten smaller. The rest seem too exploded in size. Homes, cars, televisions, and debt have doubled in size for the average family, in comparison to a few years ago. Does a small family of three need a 4000 square foot home and three 52 inch plasma televisions? Do we really need all of this to be happy?
Unfortunately, few people escape the trap. I have even fallen into it. I have my oversized, manly pickup truck. It has been useful, but I do hate it when it comes time for a fill-up. Should I spend the children’s college fund to top off the tank? Or is it time to return to a simpler time? Can you put chrome rims and spinners on a horse and buggy?
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