Sunday, July 14, 2013

Out of the Gene Pool !

      I am amazed at many of the things that make the news these days. There are so many important events going on in the world that some of the things I have read about amaze me. I cannot believe they made it into print. Sometimes it is hard for me to have sympathy for someone that has decided to do one of the, "less intelligent," things in life. I think of many of the old redneck friends I had growing up. There were many stupid ideas we had. The phrase "It seemed like a good idea at the time," always was muttered after someone was hurt. I wonder how many other people have used that phrase.
     You think I might be exaggerating. All you have to do is subscribe to 'News of the Weird.' This is filled with the weird and ridiculous that has been reported on throughout the world. You have everything from the worlds dumbest criminals to politicians who should have never been elected. Some of these individuals are poster children for birth control, or even forced sterilization. I have cringed and shook my head on more than one occasion after reading an article.
     There have been several examples of the "Good Idea Fairy" at work. If you don't know what that is, you are lucky. It is that little invisible fairy that floats around a room whispering ideas quietly in one's ear. She usually has an over abundance of ideas. Many of them have no relevance to the subject or task at hand. Hopefully, there is always someone there with common sense to swat her down.
     Here are a few examples of people that should have never listened to the good idea fairy, or their redneck friends. A woman in Texas recently burned down her own home trying to kill a snake in the yard. She poured gasoline on the snake and had her son toss a lit match upon it. Surprisingly, the snake took off. It's flaming body set brush, and her house on fire. I might not be a fan of snakes, but that would not be my first choice to kill it. A hoe, shovel, or rake would have been an easier choice. Don't say you wouldn't get that close. She had to be right on top of it to pour gas on it.
     There was an article today about a woman from Australia being gored while running with the bulls in Pamplona. That definitely registers as a 'Bubba' moment. I can't say I haven't done my share of stupid things. No person in their right mind crawls through a minefield for fun. But, I have never had a desire to sprint down narrow streets ahead of angry bulls. It isn't like there are people gored or trampled each year doing this. I am sure she had a friend standing there with her going, "It seemed like a good idea." There is always one of those people around.
     I don't believe the media breeds bad ideas. I'm certain that the human race is able to come up with those on their own. The 'bat bombs' of WWII were a prime example. There are times I wonder. Does printed or showing these stories encourage those already prone to commit random acts of insanity? Should we stop printing them? I think Darwin was right. There are no more predators for us to worry about. This could be how the 'gene pool' gets cleaned out these days.

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