I saw where a friend posted that we are the result of the thousands that came before, or some sentiment of that nature. At first, I took it to mean that we were the biological results of thousands of years of breeding. It might be more inbreeding for some. We all know that there are many physical traits that we inherit from our parents. There are even stronger traits that are shared by people from specific regions and cultures. I definitely agree with this idea. There is enough scientific data to support this assumption. Look at me I am proof. My perfect bald head is the results of genetic tweaking and refining.
However, I believe that the idea read had more to do with the people that were part of our lives and how they affected us. The recent passing of my uncle helped me to realize the importance those people held in my life. I would like to thank each of them for the little part of them that they shared with me. Some individuals that would like to curse you for those darker parts. There is no way for me to share each part that everyone contributed to create a unique me. Therefore, I am only going to thank a few.
I guess I should start with that person that gave me life, my Mother. Mom is strong and tough. She speaks her mind, sometimes not at the best moment. The truth was always important to her. I definitely have those attributes well in hand. There are professors, officers, and even former friends that will attest to my ability to relay the truth. Many of the times it was far from the popular thing to do. Hell! I've even made a few grow men cry. I think they needed that though.
My Father taught me patients and a love for life. I'm sure many of the things my Dad did with me growing up would have landed him in jail today. He used to let me sit in his lap and steer the car while going down the road. I couldn't have been more than eight at that time. How many parents would even try that today? His stories about the Army and foreign lands, led to my joining and traveling to wild exotic places. It is doubtful I ever could have hoped to reached them on my own. I still write today because he loved to read my articles in the paper, before he died. Someday I hope to finish that book for him.
There was my Grandpa Williams, Dewey was his first name. He was the 7th son of a 7th son. If you do not know what I am referring to there, I'll just say he could do some freaky stuff. He taught me a respect for nature and the things it took me a long time to accept. He was a quiet man that didn't speak a lot. However, you had better be listening when he did. I once broke my arm from falling out of a try. I was a screaming crying mess until he spoke to me. "You will be O.K.," was all he said. It was enough. The fear was gone. I even relaxed enough to help them splint my arm.
Uncle Pete was one of my other influences. He had told us tall tales from the time I could remember. They fascinated and entertained our young minds. To be honest, we believed many of them. Growing up ruined the fantasy aspect of his stories. However, they were still great stories. I try to remember them and turn them into some of my short stories. The one about his birth was always my favourite. The tale was also one of the first I turned into one of my tales. He gave me the love of telling a good story. Hopefully I do his memory justice.
My friend was right. We are the compilation of all those that have come before us. Each that people that influenced me, were initially molded by others. It may have been family, friends, or even enemies. Each person before me was the result of those before them. I am not them. I am me, at least for this week. Next week, who knows?
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