There was a time in this world when
people could discuss different opinions, even argue about them, without being
offended. I can remember when I was in college. There were many times that we
would sit down and have heated debates over political, social, and religious
ideologies. There was often a bottle involved then. I did not always agree with
other people. They did not always agree with me. I was called a few names that
aren’t that nice. This was because I saw things different than others. Usually,
the name referred to some part of the male, or female anatomy. This didn’t
result in me running away to my ‘safe space,’ or a demand to have them
censored. It made me want to be able to prove my point better.
I miss those
days. It was a time when the idea of ‘freedom of speech’ was real. There were
new ideas and ways of life I learned about. We are a nation that swears by the
idea of “freedom of speech.” However, we do not practice what we preach.
Today’s society is filled with individuals that get butt hurt when people have
a different view or opinion. People act as if others have no right to a
different opinion. There should be only one point of view…..their point of
forget that this country was founded on the idea of freedom. Men and women have fought and died to
guarantee this right to you. Some of these people weren’t even citizens of this
country. This should make people realize an important fact. It is not just your
views that should be protected, but everyone’s. No matter how asinine it may
be. Believe me there are some people that are way out there. Think of those
individuals wear tinfoil hats, believing that aliens are trying to suck out
their brain waves. How does it hurt me to let them believe that?
There are so
many different religions that are being practiced in this country. Each is
important the worshipper. Please tell me how it hurts anyone to be told “Merry
Christmas,” “Happy Hanukah,” “Peace be With You,” or “Blessed be.” No matter what
form you worship God in, do you actually think you will be damned for that? Do
me a favor. Think a little on it. Unless someone worships evil, all religions
have the same basic ideas. Be good to people. There are just different paths to
the afterlife. None of us will know who is right until we take that final dirt
there are a great many different views here. This is due to how we were raised,
the region we are from, or our ethnic background. A person whose ancestors are
from Ireland will have different views and ideas as someone that comes from
Ethiopia, Brazil, or Japan. I believe that diversity makes life interesting.
Things would be so boring, if we were all the same and acted alike. Plus, there
would not have a variety of foods and entertainment to choose from. How would
you like to have just one restaurant to choose from to eat at every day?
we are a mess as well. There are two basic parties in this country. Watching
them go at each other could be entertaining, if it weren’t so sad. Each side
thinks that they are the only ones right. Maybe, they should take the time to
listen to one another. Politicians should realize we are all Americans. They
need to work together and find a middle ground. Neither side is 100% correct.
Once they realize that they are not the center of the universe and all
important, things will get better for us all.
“We the
People,” is one of the most important phrases in our history. This means all
the people in our country. It is not just for a single group. I believe, if you
mix and stir us all together, you will come out with something wonderful. There
will be a wonderful savory stew that all will want to taste. Leave one key
ingredient out, you get something bitter or bland. A meal one will only eat to
keep from starving. Don’t be afraid of different opinions. There is always something new you can learn
from others. If, you can listen and talk without being offended.
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