Saturday, October 27, 2018

Show Me Those Cups

I swore that I would give up on writing political posts. Unfortunately, most of America is one big political jokeSo this blog was called for. I couldn’t help myselfI’m sure all of youhave watched the news and Facebook posts since the bomber. You know the guy. He sent bombs to key Democratic politicians and CNN. I have to say one thing about the thing. So many of you are just as crazy as the bomber. There are more conspiracy theorists than I can imagine! I’ve seen almost everyone blamed for it. It won’t be long before someone “connects the dots,” They will swear that Mickey Mouse was the mastermind behind it all. He is from Florida after all.
I haven’t seen anyone trying to offer a viable solution to the insanity. All people do is point the finger at each other. This problem was not caused by one side or the other. It was caused by both political sides, the media and people of wealth and influence.!!!!! For too long now, all off the above have been worried about their own political agendas and growth of power.They are trying to create a world where their views are the correct ones.   
Both sides of the political spectrum have advocated violence to gain support and power over their opponents. They want people to believe that there is only one side or the other. “You can’t be a true American if you aren’t a hard core Christian Republican!” The other side is “You are a fascist if you don’t believe the way I do!” So which side is right? Neither of them are. A person cannot believe anything is 100% one way or another. That individual is either a fool, or a mindless drone just wanting to fit in.
For my own sanity, I have to believe the majority of Americans are more like me. We don’t see everything as black and white. In the case of America right now, blue and red. Let me give you an example. A friend, Donella Miller and I just had a difference of opinion on the whole kneeling during the national anthem. Both of us agree there is an issue with police brutality. She sees the kneeling as a way to get the message out. It makes people see.  I am against it, because of my feelings about the National Anthem and our flag. I can see her reasons why she believes the way she does. She can see my reasons for how I feel. It is one of those things we can agree to disagree on. Despite our differences, we are still friends and support the others right to believe as they do. Imagine that an African-American woman and a bald white guy being civil.
Having civil discourse can make interesting things happen. Did you know that it can even be magical? Somethinginteresting happens each time people of different views sit down and have a civilized discussion. A die hard politician gets a belly ache. Let’s try and give them more discomfort. Let’s discuss the issues. See what the problems really are. I’m sure multiplepeople looking at the same problem from different angles can come up with a solution. It may even be one that most people can live with. Imagine if hundreds or thousands did this without having to be right. 
Maybe we should start a new movement. We would have to come up with a cool name for it. I like the CUP’s (Consolidation, Unity, and Persistence.) Our symbol could be coffee and tea mugs. Why did you come up with that crazy name?” you ask. First off, I like coffee. Secondly, coffee and tea are like opposing views. They are hot and bitter at first. If you give them time to cool and take small sips, you might find you enjoy the results. The warm liquid will permeate you, while giving you a warm jolt. This invigorates, making one ready to take on the challenges of the day. Plus, it is a far better symbol than a donkey or elephant.
I beg you. Let all of us take a look at what is going on now. No one likes where the country is headed. That is one of the common threads from all sides. Take the time to sit down over a nice cup. Do your best to have a civilized conversation with someone that is different than you. Understand that you are not going to agree on everything. Simply talk and listen. You will find you have many of the same problems. Each of you may come up with a solution or two to the common issues. You might even gain a better understand of the other individual. If nothing else, you gained a little time away from the pressures of the day.

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