Saturday, October 27, 2018

Show Me Those Cups

I swore that I would give up on writing political posts. Unfortunately, most of America is one big political jokeSo this blog was called for. I couldn’t help myselfI’m sure all of youhave watched the news and Facebook posts since the bomber. You know the guy. He sent bombs to key Democratic politicians and CNN. I have to say one thing about the thing. So many of you are just as crazy as the bomber. There are more conspiracy theorists than I can imagine! I’ve seen almost everyone blamed for it. It won’t be long before someone “connects the dots,” They will swear that Mickey Mouse was the mastermind behind it all. He is from Florida after all.
I haven’t seen anyone trying to offer a viable solution to the insanity. All people do is point the finger at each other. This problem was not caused by one side or the other. It was caused by both political sides, the media and people of wealth and influence.!!!!! For too long now, all off the above have been worried about their own political agendas and growth of power.They are trying to create a world where their views are the correct ones.   
Both sides of the political spectrum have advocated violence to gain support and power over their opponents. They want people to believe that there is only one side or the other. “You can’t be a true American if you aren’t a hard core Christian Republican!” The other side is “You are a fascist if you don’t believe the way I do!” So which side is right? Neither of them are. A person cannot believe anything is 100% one way or another. That individual is either a fool, or a mindless drone just wanting to fit in.
For my own sanity, I have to believe the majority of Americans are more like me. We don’t see everything as black and white. In the case of America right now, blue and red. Let me give you an example. A friend, Donella Miller and I just had a difference of opinion on the whole kneeling during the national anthem. Both of us agree there is an issue with police brutality. She sees the kneeling as a way to get the message out. It makes people see.  I am against it, because of my feelings about the National Anthem and our flag. I can see her reasons why she believes the way she does. She can see my reasons for how I feel. It is one of those things we can agree to disagree on. Despite our differences, we are still friends and support the others right to believe as they do. Imagine that an African-American woman and a bald white guy being civil.
Having civil discourse can make interesting things happen. Did you know that it can even be magical? Somethinginteresting happens each time people of different views sit down and have a civilized discussion. A die hard politician gets a belly ache. Let’s try and give them more discomfort. Let’s discuss the issues. See what the problems really are. I’m sure multiplepeople looking at the same problem from different angles can come up with a solution. It may even be one that most people can live with. Imagine if hundreds or thousands did this without having to be right. 
Maybe we should start a new movement. We would have to come up with a cool name for it. I like the CUP’s (Consolidation, Unity, and Persistence.) Our symbol could be coffee and tea mugs. Why did you come up with that crazy name?” you ask. First off, I like coffee. Secondly, coffee and tea are like opposing views. They are hot and bitter at first. If you give them time to cool and take small sips, you might find you enjoy the results. The warm liquid will permeate you, while giving you a warm jolt. This invigorates, making one ready to take on the challenges of the day. Plus, it is a far better symbol than a donkey or elephant.
I beg you. Let all of us take a look at what is going on now. No one likes where the country is headed. That is one of the common threads from all sides. Take the time to sit down over a nice cup. Do your best to have a civilized conversation with someone that is different than you. Understand that you are not going to agree on everything. Simply talk and listen. You will find you have many of the same problems. Each of you may come up with a solution or two to the common issues. You might even gain a better understand of the other individual. If nothing else, you gained a little time away from the pressures of the day.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

PHA Dilemma

Many people do not understand the difficulties that a member of the National Guard faces in order to be able to serve their state and country. Gone are the days when National Guard soldiers sat around drinking beer and telling stories. Today’s soldiers are pushed hard to be well trained and ready to answer the call, at a moment’s notice. We must balance home life, work life, and the military life. That is harder than one might think. There have been many times my wife has told me, “We’re not your soldiers.” I’ve also caught myself giving my employees the ‘knife hand’ or wanting to tell them to ‘drop.’
            Staying ready and prepared for the military is always an issue. Physical fitness is much harder for a Guardsman, than an Active Duty soldier. We do not have the ability to have our Soldiers meet each morning for physical fitness training, as they do on active duty. Instead it is the responsibility of each individual to do it on their own. Some are great and remain physically fit. Others, well they look like they are in a perpetual state of pregnancy. Every reservist First Sergeant has at least one or two of these in our formations.
            The Soldiers’ health is another stumbling block for us as well. Weekend Warriors have to pay for their own health care. It is not provided for as it is for traditional soldiers. This results in many of the younger soldiers not seeing a Dr. regularly. Many times we find major health issues when it is time to deploy. We all know you can’t send an unhealthy person to combat. Their health could kill them after all.
            The military has found a way to try and weed out these problems prior to a deployment. The Periodic Health Assessment is the answer. Once a year, each soldier must go through a PHA. Periodic Health Assessment. This sounds great, doesn’t it? Soldiers go through a health review. Those needing to see a Dr. or Dentist to get fixed up get a chance to do it. Those that can’t be fixed can be processed out, opening positions for new soldiers to come in. That is the theory at least.
            There are a few hang ups to this wonderful idea. A person must understand that the people that the people performing these functions are civilian contractors. They are paid by the number of people that they see. They are doctors, nurses, and technicians that are working to make extra money on the weekend. You can imagine how much thy truly care about the process and individuals. A good example is the dental exams. I have dentures, there is no reason for me to see the dentist. However, every year I have to sit 20 minutes in a line waiting for the dentist. I tell them I have dentures before I ever start waiting. When I finally get to the dentist it’s always the same.
            “You have dentures?” the old man yawns.
            I pull them out and show him. “Yes I do.”
            He quickly signs my paper. “Thank you. Go to your next station, please.”
            You can see where I feel so cared for and my time has been used properly. You have to see a physician before you leave. They ask you a few questions about your health. There is no physical exam. You could be dying from cancer or some weird tropical disease and they would never know. All you have to do is say you are fine. There are now health issues. They check the block and mark you as deployable.
            On the flip side. A soldier who is tired of being in the Army, they simply need to go in and complain. They can complain about being stressed out, or any injury that is hard to verify. The Dr. will mark them as non-deployable. A medical review will then be initiated. The soldier may think that they will be out of the military soon. That is laughable. It can take a year or longer of Dr. visits and documentation before they are released.
            God help you if you have some minor issue, and want to stay in. You are instantly marked as non-deployable. I don’t care if you have a twisted ankle, bunion, and some minor injury. It then becomes the individual soldier’s responsibility to prove that they are fixed and deployable after that. That may even cost the soldier money out of their own pocket.
            This whole process takes the majority of the day. Each soldiers moves from station to station. There is no order. You jump in whatever line is shortest. The person there signs off the box for their station. Sometimes they don’t even look up at you. Then you race off to the next shortest line, until you have all your boxes checked off. Then you are done! A sense of euphoria passes over you at that moment. You are declared fit for duty for another year.

Friday, October 5, 2018


               I’m sure this blog will upset a lot of you. I know there are so many of you out there that think you are enlightened, or morally superior to most people. This because you stand on one side or other.  You are a pawn in this great debacle we call politics today. You are so embed in your side It binds you. You can see nothing else. You my friend have become what I term the, “McDonalds,” society. I know some of you are more Panera people, it’s the same concept though.
            There two main reasons that I have named you this. McDonalds is the highest grossing restaurant in America. That is a sad testament to the American pallet. Why do you think this is?
It is not because it is a good cheap meal. God knows I can go to a lot better places and get a meal for almost the same price. It is because they are the advertising kings. They have convinced the people, especially the youth. They have to have that happy meal or super-sized value meal. Let’s not forget their burnt coffee mocha latte’s too. The golden arches are a symbol that children know immediately.
            Think about the food as well. Is it that great? I know I would prefer a burger from many of the smaller independent restaurants. They are much more flavorful. The food isn’t made ahead of time. They are cooked on the grill while I wait. The meat is juicy. I can order the toppings I want on it. It isn’t dried out from sitting under a heat lamp for extended periods of time. However, people have been convinced that there is nothing like that special sauce.
            This is how Americans are with politics and ideology, today. It doesn’t matter what side you are on, you have been brainwashed to follow in the steps of what others have told you is right. You can see this by how extreme most of you are on any given subject. There is only right and wrong. Your side tends to be always right! I wish I could say I was always right. Lucky for me, I have a wife and three daughters. They will let me know that I am not right when I go off the deep end. My twelve year old tells me, “Dad, you not right in the head” all the time.
            Let me prove my point. I have friends that tell me that they support our President 100%.
He is our president. I work for the man. I will support the government I serve. Let’s get real though. Too many times I questioned the ideas of the President I served. However, I did my job anyway. I have not supported any politician, or idea, 100% since I was five years old. I listen to the crap that comes out of their mouths. There have been several questionable comments made. Twitter is not always a good thing!
            The other side is the same. Some professor or disgruntled politician makes a comment about how evil the other side is. Some of them have even openly endorsed violence. The next thing you know, we have protesters destroying property and carrying makeshift weapons. Anyone not agreeing with them are a racist, patriarchal, homophobe. Don’t get me wrong. I believe in everyone’s right to a peaceful protest. They do not have the right to bully or destroy.
            There are two sides to everything. Nothing is ever completely right or wrong. There is good and bad in everything. If you do not believe this, you have proven my point. Take the time to read and research a subject. Don’t let the media, a politician, parent, professor, or facebook tell you how to think. Do that for yourself. You know what happens to the lemmings. Many of them die following the crowd. Don’t give power to those that seek to control you. You are a puppet to their agendas, only if you choose to be.
            I have not chosen the path of the norm. I will not be that hipster wearing a man-bun screaming for socialistic reform. Nor will I be that old fat man wearing the “Make America Great Again,” hat. I will be the grumpy old bald bastard sipping on his beer and whiskey. I’ll shake my head thinking, “Jackasses don’t they know they are both acting alike.”

Monday, September 24, 2018

You Hurt My .......

               There was a time in this world when people could discuss different opinions, even argue about them, without being offended. I can remember when I was in college. There were many times that we would sit down and have heated debates over political, social, and religious ideologies. There was often a bottle involved then. I did not always agree with other people. They did not always agree with me. I was called a few names that aren’t that nice. This was because I saw things different than others. Usually, the name referred to some part of the male, or female anatomy. This didn’t result in me running away to my ‘safe space,’ or a demand to have them censored. It made me want to be able to prove my point better.
            I miss those days. It was a time when the idea of ‘freedom of speech’ was real. There were new ideas and ways of life I learned about. We are a nation that swears by the idea of “freedom of speech.” However, we do not practice what we preach. Today’s society is filled with individuals that get butt hurt when people have a different view or opinion. People act as if others have no right to a different opinion. There should be only one point of view…..their point of view.
            People forget that this country was founded on the idea of freedom.  Men and women have fought and died to guarantee this right to you. Some of these people weren’t even citizens of this country. This should make people realize an important fact. It is not just your views that should be protected, but everyone’s. No matter how asinine it may be. Believe me there are some people that are way out there. Think of those individuals wear tinfoil hats, believing that aliens are trying to suck out their brain waves. How does it hurt me to let them believe that?
            There are so many different religions that are being practiced in this country. Each is important the worshipper. Please tell me how it hurts anyone to be told “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Hanukah,” “Peace be With You,” or “Blessed be.” No matter what form you worship God in, do you actually think you will be damned for that? Do me a favor. Think a little on it. Unless someone worships evil, all religions have the same basic ideas. Be good to people. There are just different paths to the afterlife. None of us will know who is right until we take that final dirt nap.
            Socially there are a great many different views here. This is due to how we were raised, the region we are from, or our ethnic background. A person whose ancestors are from Ireland will have different views and ideas as someone that comes from Ethiopia, Brazil, or Japan. I believe that diversity makes life interesting. Things would be so boring, if we were all the same and acted alike. Plus, there would not have a variety of foods and entertainment to choose from. How would you like to have just one restaurant to choose from to eat at every day?
            Politically we are a mess as well. There are two basic parties in this country. Watching them go at each other could be entertaining, if it weren’t so sad. Each side thinks that they are the only ones right. Maybe, they should take the time to listen to one another. Politicians should realize we are all Americans. They need to work together and find a middle ground. Neither side is 100% correct. Once they realize that they are not the center of the universe and all important, things will get better for us all.
            “We the People,” is one of the most important phrases in our history. This means all the people in our country. It is not just for a single group. I believe, if you mix and stir us all together, you will come out with something wonderful. There will be a wonderful savory stew that all will want to taste. Leave one key ingredient out, you get something bitter or bland. A meal one will only eat to keep from starving. Don’t be afraid of different opinions.  There is always something new you can learn from others. If, you can listen and talk without being offended.