Monday, February 10, 2014


I cannot believe that a company such as Coca Cola could even think of allowing people to sing an American song in a variety of different languages. What were the people in charge thinking? I am thoroughly shocked. How could a company that had a motto, “I would like to give the world a coke and teach them to sing in perfect harmony,” think something like that would be acceptable. Do they think we are a multiracial nation where many of our children are born from parents of diverse backgrounds?

You would think that this country was founded by people that spoke French, English, Spanish, German, Gaelic, and other languages. There wasn’t an indigenous people here that had no clue what English was when our ancestors arrived to carve out a new future for the wayward children of Europe. Were they thinking that the infrastructure of this country was created by poor immigrants from Europe and Asia? Who were all those people that came through Ellis Island? Come on Coke executives who taught you history in school? Wasn’t that subject called American History?

I think you should have talked to the Veterans of this country before you aired something like that. How many of us have ever served with someone who spoke multiple languages? Really haw many 1st or 2nd generation Americans do you think have served or died for this country? Do you think we have ever seen the pride in a man’s eyes when he was awarded his American Citizenship while serving this country? Soldiers have never brought husbands and wives home from these far off lands. We have shed our blood sweat and tears for the people and ideas that make this, “the land of the free and home of the brave.”

If you haven’t caught the sarcasm yet, and you think I support you for protesting Coca Cola, you are denser than I thought. Wake up simple minded America. Most of you would not have been here if some ancestor had not been considered a criminal, or religious heretic. This country was not founded by the simple ideas of Anglo-Saxon men. It was the hard work of men and women who came from the far corners of the world. They were the down trodden that sought better lives for themselves and their families. They fought and died in the wars and hardship that shaped this nation. Look at your history books.

The next time you bite into a hamburger, think where it came from. Remember these words:

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
This is the America that I know and have fought for. If you do not know, that is inscribed on The Statue of Liberty. Oh yea, a Frenchman made it!

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